w/c 27.4.20 - KS2 Y3, 4, 5, 6

Hello to everyone again- we hope that you are all safe and well and have enjoyed another sunny week!

It has been so lovely to read your emails and see the home learning you have been doing- well done to all our children and families for what you have achieved; thank you for keeping your skills going- and for showing your amazing learning.

Some maths...

Some English, which you may have to zoom in on, to read. Can you hear the voice of Sir David Attenborough in any of these? Are you filled with awe and wonder, when you read them? Your teachers can- we have been so impressed, again, by the standard of your writing- keep it up, everyone!

Some reading challenge comprehensions. Which books can you recommend to your friends? Please send in your book reports...

Super spelling...

Some science...Can you see these parts on the flowers you see in your garden or around where you live?

One person sent in a whole PowerPoint of wild flowers they had seen on their walk- what did you see?

Some art- super painting skills- well done everybody.

A wonderful rainbow to finish..... well done!


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